The GAP Episode 287 – The Dota 2 International 2015 Pubstomp

TheGAPep-Banner-287On this bonus episode of The GAP Luke Lawrie and Joab Gilroy are joined by GameSpot Australia’s Zorine Te and Edmond Tran to talk about the Dota 2 International 2015. They discuss a variety of topics including the compendium (༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ) and its $18 million prize pool, the production value of the event, their favourite standout games, the grand final match between EG and CDEC, and loads more. This episode goes for 2 hours and 20 minutes, and it also contains coarse language.

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This episode brought to you by Joab’s limitless ignorance.

Outro music by fwosh. You can support her work through Patreon

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