The GAP Episode 289 – Just Do It
On this episode of The GAP Luke Lawrie, Joab Gilroy, Jeremy ‘Junglist’ Ray, and Nathan ‘Nachos Justice’ Lawrence make your dreams come true. Nothing is impossible which is why they’ve played a crazy amount of games including Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Dying Light, Super Mutant Alien Assault, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Pac-man 256, Diablo 3, Rugby World Cup 2015, Until Dawn, Risk Legacy and more . In the news XCOM 2 gets delayed by a few months, apparently someone is making a Borderlands movie, and some people dream of success while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it. This episode goes for 3 hours, and it also contains coarse language. We are aware that there are some audio issues with the equipment which we are currently working to resolve.
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About The Author
Writing and producing content about video games for over a decade.