The GAP Episode 308 – Click Click Cookie

TheGAPep-Banner-308On this episode of The GAP Luke Lawrie, Joab Gilroy, Jeremy ‘Junglist’ Ray, and Nathan ‘NachosJustice’ Lawrence have no time for irrelevant stories this week that drag on for hours so it’s straight into the games. They’ve been playing Dying Light: The Following, Firewatch, XCOM 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Rainbow Six: Siege, Unravel, and more. In the news DOOM gets a release date, Blizzard turns 25, some new details about Titanfall 2, and The Division has an open beta coming up shortly. Also we pick a winner for our most recent RIG 500 headset giveaway thanks to Plantronics Gaming and Double Jump Communications. This episode goes for 2 hour and 30 minutes, it also contains coarse language.

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Luke recommends not to put yarn on your ears, use a RIG 500 headset instead.


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