The GAP Episode 470 – Makes Perfect Sense
On this episode of The GAP Luke Lawrie and Joab Gilroy are gearing up for E3 and discuss some things that they would like to see from the big show. The games they’ve been playing this week include Void Bastards, Trover Saves The Universe, Doomsday Clicker, Conan Unconquered, and more . Over in the news Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is officially revealed, Watch Dogs 3 is going to London, Hideo Kojima talks about what genre Death Stranding is, Borderlands 2 is getting some new DLC, and Gears of War 5 will be releasing this year. This episode goes for 2 hours and 20 minutes, it also contains coarse language.
Head to the Youtube Channel to watch/listen when it goes live!