The GAP Bonus Episode – Do Not Kill
|On this very special BONUS episode of The GAP, Joaby reads out the novelette he wrote so that you don’t have to sit there reading a bunch of dumb words yourself.

Do Not Kill is a novelette about a man who goes to Antarctica, interacts with his first AGI and gets more than anyone bargained for out of it. It’s inspired by The Thing and Who Goest There? (I know, I know) and At the Mountains of Madness and I think its pretty good. It probably should have been a short story, but my words, my beautiful, beautiful words.
Anyway if you want to buy it, head to the link below!
And if you DON’T want to buy it because you just listened to the whole damn thing for free, which I get, but you feel like buying me a beer or something, hit me up on Ko-Fi.
And if you DON’T want to do any of that shit but you do want me to keep making podcasts and you want to send a clear message about that, why not subscribe to our Patreon! I’m gonna make the podcasts anyway but it couldn’t hurt!