The GAP Episode 298 – Manly Voice

TheGAPep-Banner-298On this episode of The GAP Luke Lawrie and Joab Gilroy crack open vault 111 and take a look at this weeks big release Fallout 4. But before that they talk about Joaby’s recent trip to BlizzCon where he spoke to the stars of Warcraft, and checked out Blizzard titles including World of Warcraft: Legion, Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft 2, and Overwatch . Then they go into the games they’ve been playing including Halo 5, Life is Strange, and Fallout 4. In the news Ubisoft reveals their year road map for Rainbow 6: Siege, Metal Gear Solid V drops a new patch, and EA Sports UFC 2 is announced . This episode goes for 2 hours and 30 minutes, and it also contains coarse language.

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